
In the academic's life, library plays a vigorous and enthusiastic role. The central role of the library is educational development as well as expansion in the information. Library of our institute has a wide collection of mandatory books and also journals related to the program available in the library with all relaxed access.

It includes not only the course books according to the curriculum of Doctor of Pharmacy program, covering various disciplines of program like Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy Practice, Microbiology and Pharmacognosy, but also include the particular stock of the general reference books, publications, research papers, journals and daily newspapers.

It is fully an air-conditioned library. The books are also available to the students from the library for two weeks delivered by Librarian.



E-Library is the most required source of learning at this time as technology is growing faster than fast. To cater the requirement stot his aspect, our Information Technology (IT) Department has established an e-Library.

It provides an extensive range of multiple number of books by various authors, ease in searching the looked-for topics and also cheer the environmental health due to non-paper material leading to a digital system which is a need of current era.

National and international journals’ subscriptions are also available in this e-Library to facilitate the students to locate and access vast range of global research and latest experimental technologies in the field of medicine.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi, inaugurated e-Library of the Institute.

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